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Policy Dialogues and Diplomacy on Science and Technology
A platform for S&T conversations around regulations, policy, and socio-cultural design.

Data Dialogues
Structured group conversations
Talk series facilitating discussions around advancement in the Data Space
Seminar on “Technology, Governance, and Citizen Behaviour: Turning crisis into opportunities in Asia” #NitiVimarsh
1st August, 2022 | Venue: CSP Seminar Hall
Natural and biological hazards (including COVID-19) always pose tremendous challenges in every sector of the society, locally and globally. Asia is no exception to this and has faced the heat of severe financial, social, and related challenges over the years. However, through science, technology and innovation, the region has tried to overcome these challenges in different ways. Innovation also focused on social issues, and grass roots approaches have been recognized as well as proved to be effective. With the high diversity in Asia, governance played an important role in managing the crisis. Each country has its unique way to address the crisis through its own governance, regulation, and legal framework. Local governance often played a critical role. Finally, citizen awareness and behavior are considered to be one of the key issues to address the current pandemic as well as other disasters, be it at individual, community or in the workplace. Appropriate risk communication, science-based decision making, data analysis, its feedback to the decision-making system, and extensive use of technology and innovation need to be at the core of the crisis response, which can turn it into an innovation opportunity in many cases.
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Seminar on “Data, Hydrological Models, and Diplomacy” #NitiVimarsh
11th February 2022 | Venue: CSP Seminar Hall
Growing economies directly relate to a growing demand for water around the world and affect the quality of water resources Climate variability and change adds another
pressure, rendering it uncertain how much water will be available for the many users When water is shared across state boundaries, these interactions gain an
additional political dimension Oftentimes, dedicated institutions are set up to facilitate these interactions that
are both focused on diplomacy and water management
simultaneously Hydrological models have become an intrinsic part of these management and governance structures
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Panel Discussion on the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2020 #NitiVimarsh
21st January 2021 | Venue: Virtual Conference
This panel discussion will explore the details of the proposed STI policy and various thematic groups, its implications, and the policymaking process. The new STI Policy identifies and addresses the Indian STI ecosystem’s strengths and weaknesses to catalyse socio-economic development of the country and make the Indian STI ecosystem globally competitive. It revolves around the core principles of being decentralized, evidence-informed, bottom-up, experts-driven, and inclusive. Also, it aims to bring in the concept of dynamic policy with a robust policy.
Panel Discussion on the Future and Promise of Artificial Intelligence
28th February 2020 | Venue: CSP Seminar Hall, Bangalore
This panel discussion will explore strategic approaches to be adopted by India for accelerated diffusion of artificial intelligence considering its potential to transform economies. It will further focus on NITI Aayog’s three-pronged approach of national strategy on artificial intelligence. More particularly, it will examine important issues like ethics, bias and privacy issues relating to AI across sectors like agriculture, health and education.
Panel Discussion on Data Economics and Policy
14th February 2020 | Venue: Faculty Hall Main Building, IISc Bangalore | Time: 3:30 to 5:30 pm
This panel discussion will explore the economic, policy, legal, regulatory, standardization issues involved in using public data to generate public good. The data under consideration includes IOT data from smart city sensors, video data from surveillance cameras, legal and property records, data from cellular providers and similar. The Economist has (somewhat optimistically) estimated that this data will generate 1.7T$ of economic value by 2025. This panel discussion will examine the issues that are pertinent to making this claim a reality.
Workshop on Communicating Research to Non-experts
18th January 2020 | Venue: CSP Seminar Hall, Bangalore
The need to acquire the skills to communicate one’s research to non-experts is being increasingly
recognized by all stakeholders involved in research and development – funding agencies, journals,
academic universities, as well as industries. Learning these skills is absolutely crucial today due to
three recent changes in the professional landscape of graduate students.
Registration open for highly motivated doctoral researchers from all disciplines
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
26th to 27th July 2019 | Venue: CSP Seminar Hall, Bangalore
The workshop will equip academic institutions to set up their own incubation centre and IP Cell in the area of science and technology.
Registration open for institutions and academicians
Data Navigating the Geospatial Maze: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future of Spatial Data in India
27th May 2024 | Time: 3.00 – 4.00 PM IST
More India’s Complex challenges and opportunities surrounding geospatial data utilization. The speaker will deliberate on the often-overlooked grey areas faced by academics and researchers as they work to leverage the vast quantities of geospatial data being produced in our country. While the advances in satellite-based technologies promise an upsurge in upstream and downstream geospatial data capabilities, despite significant strides towards a visionary national geospatial policy, significant constraints still need to be added in deploying this data for academic and private commercial use. This talk will cover geospatial data challenges in a wide range of applications from experience, including national security, environment, urban, and ocean studies.
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Data Dance with Al: Navigating the Techno-Legal Cha-Cha in India’s DPDPA, 2023
22th September 2023 | Time: 4 PM IST
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How does Data Create Value and Who is it Valuable for?
26th May 2023 | Time: 3 PM IST
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Economy 2.0: Data Markets and Data Pricing
31th March 2023 | Time: 4PM IST
Due to world-wide digitalization, data has become a commodity similar to electricity and water. Platforms often exploit this by bringing (the data of) providers and consumers together and completely abandon any physical inventory traditionally required for their service. A natural consequence is to start dealing with and trading data, which we often experience when something is “free” in exchange for some personal data. This happens on data marketplaces at a larger scale, and the question arises of which price tag should be attached to data. In this talk, some findings from our study on data marketplaces will be discussed, as will be approaches to calculate data prices. Finally, the question is touched whether “price” as a single piece of information on the value or quality of an object or a service is outdated and should entirely be replaced by relevant data.
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Perspectives on Data Economy- Balancing Profits, Power and Privacy
30th September 2022 | Time: 4 PM IST
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Data Collaboratives and the foundation needed to make them more systematic, sustainable and responsible
Core Data Registries for Public Digital Platforms – Session 2
21th January 2022 | Time: 4 PM IST
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