Past Researchers Dr. Naveen B RPostdoctoral AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Dr. Deepika SwamiPostdoctoral AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Dr. Akriti JainPostdoctoral AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Dr.Asmita VermaPostdoctoral AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Dr. Parvathi JayaprakashPostdoctoral AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Mr. Rahul PatilProject AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Mr. Somnath IngoleProject AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Ms. Darsana PrakashProject AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Ms. Rupsa MajumdarProject AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Ms. Debashree HazarikaProject AssociateCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Ms. Sanjana ShashikumarProject Associate Centre for Society and Policy, IISc Dr. Satish Kumar Yawale Project ScientistCentre for Society and Policy, IISc Mr. Savyasachee JhaPhD StudentDepartment of Management Studies, IISc Dr. Debarun SenguptaPostdoctoral FellowCentre for Society and Policy, IISc